VoIP Reseller TalkFree Initiates Phone-to-Phone Connection Service Providing Voice and Fax Communication via IP Networks
Released on = June 13, 2006, 2:33 pm
Press Release Author = Perry Hartline, TalkFree
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = TalkFree's worldwide calling card and fax service connects up to six local lines over IP networks by connecting those traditional telephones to the traditional telephone (PSTN) network by way of TalkFree's new VoIP phone-to-phone gateway.
Press Release Body = San Francisco CA, June 14, 2006 - VoIP reseller TalkFree introduces phone-to-phone and fax communication solutions as a feature of its service. End users may connect up to six local lines to the public telephone network using existing DSL or cable modem services and TalkFree's phone-to-phone gateway service, thereby providing a local connection to any telephone or fax in the world. The new phone-to-phone and fax service compliments TalkFree's existing PC-to-Phone service, allowing end users to continue to easily connect IP phones, soft dialers and other devices to the global telephone network at TalkFree's industry leading low rates.
TalkFree's phone-to-phone and fax-to-phone solution is significant for its ease of set-up and ease of use. The device is offered completely configured and initiating service is simply a matter of plug-and-play. Additionally, the interactive voice response messages are delivered in local languages thus allowing full customization by nation or region. The new phone-to-phone and fax solution is available to any TalkFree customer. It is an ideal value-added service further enhancing reseller positions and revenue sources in densely populated developing world regions where phone service demand is high and is largely unmet.
VoIP reseller TalkFree's partners and vendors are attracted to the company because of its international focus, low entry cost, low risk, user friendly solutions. The Phone-to-Phone and Phone-to-Fax solution is the newest feature tool in its 'Internet Phone Business in a Box' and provides partners and vendors with a new revenue source. Vendors in turn deliver end users a new service and can still maintain significantly reduced long distance telephone fees.
TalkFree's management team blends the experience of CEO Paul Falchi, CFO/COO Daniel G. Yamagishi and EVP Eric Scheele.
Web Site = http://www.talkfree.com
Contact Details = Perry Hartline TalkFree Communications/Media Relations 185 Berry St. #4809 San Francisco CA 94107 916-966-0604
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